Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Apples and Oranges

I know many of my peers and friends are lovers of any and all products of Apple: the mac, iMac, iPhone, iTunes, and now iTissues. ;-P

While I am not knocking those that are brand-loyal to Apple, I have not joined the lynch-mob, I mean bandwagon. I am kidding about the mob, but I do have plenty of friends that are trying to pressure me into all things Apple. Seriously, I get harassed continually for not getting an iPhone. I have not felt so much peer pressure since eighth grade.

I am told the iPhone will change my life. Really? Maybe I'm not ready for my life to change. I just moved to a new state and started a new job 6 months ago. Those are two huge deals. I may not be ready to rock the boat just yet with this new-fangled device you call "the iPhone".

susan holding iTissuesOne of my coworker/friends that has been trying to convince me brought me the Apple sticker last week and told me, "Here. You can put it on whatever you want." I think he wanted me to have the logo stare me in the face every day to further cement the idea in my brain that I, too, should get--no, NEED--the iPhone, or whatever.

In a calculated twist, I used that {skies part, rays of sunshine pour down} sticker on my box of kleenex. I then sent the photo you see here to all of my Apple-washed friends and told them about my new iTissues. I think one of them gave pause and might have believed it was true. She emailed back and asked, "So cool! Are they soft and techy?"

I bet if Apple did make some iTissues, many would buy...even if they were the cheapest, yuckiest tissues ever. Really. Although, I do realize that they would not be the cheapest, yuckiest ever. They'd be the best. Yes. The best. But maybe I'm just not ready to buy them.

And as I told someone on the forum earlier, they have about a 10 hour battery life. ;-)

I bet many of you loathe me now for not loving all things Apple, so here's the coup de gras: I don't even own an iPod!


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