Monday, August 18, 2008

Lovin' my new...

Today is rainy and markedly cooler here in the DFW area. Such a change, in fact, that our a/c must still be set to "it's hotter than hoobithou outside, so crank 'er up!" because we're freezing in our cubicles today. We all pulled out our space heaters to keep our toes from getting frostbite. (Not sure if it would affect how my one toe looks. I broke it yesterday and it's purple...actually, it looks neat. hahaha)

susan holding up tissues with apple logoLuckily I am able to warm up with a nice cup of hot chocolate (coworkers are opting for that devil called "coffee"). My hot chocolate tastes super yummy in my new mug...oh, wait. That's my same East Central University Alumni mug...

The change in temps here have also come a change in my sinus activities. I've been sneezing like crazy all morning. Good thing I have my iTissues. (See photo and wait for story to come in a day or so.)

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