Sunday, October 05, 2008


Well, I haven't blogged in month. :-P Just had too many other things going on, but now's the perfect time to get back to it: HighEdWeb conference is under way!

So far, it's been a bit of an experience. My friend and coworker is here, too but has had a bit of medical difficulties. She scratched her eye {winces}. I felt so badly for her yesterday. She could barely open it...all red and watery. We ate dinner in the hotel lounge (actually pretty good chicken sandwich). She then went to bed early and I met up with my old college roomie, Ang. She's in grad school here (what luck!)

So this morning I went with Ang to church and while I was away Cacy first texted me to go find and buy an eye patch. The next text read, "I'm gone to the urgent care clinic" :-O

So after we tracked her down this morning, we found a renewed Cacy: the doc numbed her apparently scratched cornea and gave her a 'script for some eye antibiotics.

Now that Cacy is feeling better and Ang has homework to do, we're ready to conquer the conference. :-)

I'll post from the conference, but since my readership aren't "in the biz", I'll post the OTHER side of the conference. I hear that Michael Fienen is going to live blog over at SuperSatellite for anyone interested in actual conference-topic blogging.

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